Addictions Take Many Forms

Addictions come in all shapes and sizes.  We can be addicted to substances such as drugs or alcohol, or to behaviors such as sex, eating, work, or gambling.   The substances or behaviors are causing us pain, yet we are having a hard time stopping.  At the heart of it addiction is searching for comfort, safety, and to be authentically known.  Those who are addicted are caught-up in a cycle of seeking these things in a place that at one time appeared to offer the solution to life’s ills.   Over time, it became clear that this path did not work, yet a habit/obsession had been created and we feel caught in the grip of destructiveness.

Hope for All

Though it may feel discouraging, there is much hope.  In fact, many former addicts go on to achieve deep and lasting happiness.  Alcoholics Anonymous says that "know matter how far down the scale we have gone we will learn that our experience can benefit others."  There is a deep wisdom within this statement.  Caritas also believes that our experience, which may seem pointless right now, is the thing which can benefit us in achieving authentic and genuine happiness.  Caritas provides structured treatment for many different kinds of addiction. 


Though similar at the core, each addiction and individual requires a specialized type of treatment.  The person suffering from sex addiction requires a similar, but different set of solutions and stages of treatment than those who suffer from alcoholism.  Caritas provides this specialized type of service in order to most effectively help those suffering from addiction obtain sustainable recovery, connect with their authentic selves, and experience greater happiness.  We treat Alcoholism, drug addition, gambling addiction, sex/love addiction, food addictions, and work addictions.


Sex/Love Addiction and Shame

Sex addiction is a new, yet ancient difficulty.  The old testament is riddled with stories of Godly men who succumbed to the sexual desires within.  Our society today is full of people who struggle with sexual addiction, which comes in many forms: internet pornography, affairs, or simply constant need for romantic intrigue.  What makes can make it worse is that there is often a lot of shame around the sex and love issues. As a result, many people do not seek help for it - "If anyone knew what I did they would surely think I am dirty and bad."  The sex addict often feels as though they carry around a secret shameful part of themselves, which if others knew, "they would surely not accept."   

At Caritas we specialize in treating sexual and love problems and addiction.  We believe that honesty is key to healing and ultimately achieving optimal happiness.  Therefore we provide an accepting, secure, and shame-free environment for those suffering from sexual and or love addiction.  


This is the very perfection of man, to find out his own imperfection
— St. Augustine of Hippo



What is Co-dependency?

Co-dependency has many different aspects to it. It can consist of Co-addiction, which involves a dysfunctional relationship where one person supports or enables another persons addictions, poor mental health, irresponsibility, or immaturity. This can occur within the context of an intimate relationship, friendship, family member relationship, or co-worker relationship. Co-dependency can also be a manner of relating to the world which may involve an inordinate need for peoples approval, having a hard time knowing what one is feeling, judging oneself harshly, or having a hard time making decisions.

Origins of Co-dependency

Co-dependency often develops through early internal messages received from our family of origin, our culture, or society as a whole. Adult co-dependent relationship patterns are often an extension of the relationship dynamics that we had with the important people during our childhood years. For example, the child who’s parents are emotionally unavailable may internalize this as a message that their emotions are a burden to the family. Or we may take a message we learn at Church that “we have to give of ourselves,” without ever learning the important distinction that this “giving,” must spring from our relationship with the Lord and taking care of our own wellness, as opposed to simply spreading ourselves thin.


Freedom from Co-dependency

The two primary tenets of achieving freedom from co-dependency are to foster our relationship with God and our authentic self. It also involves learning our interactive patterns and identifying the healthiest ways to interact with those around us. Through this we can strengthen our interior life and healthy sense of self.

Our Work Together

We provide a safe, rejuvenating, and non-judgmental environment so that we can explore the messages specific to you associated with co-dependency and its origins. We will help you identify the specific Co-Dependent patterns which hinder happiness in your life. We also engage in cognitive re-framing in order to change those early childhood messages from the faulty messages into that which is true.


Freedom from Co-Dependency

Strengthens our sense of belonging.

Increase our sense of being a precious creation of God.

We will know a new acceptance of ourselves and others.

We will not regret the past, but learn and grow from it.

Foster feelings of being lovable toward our authentic self.

See ourselves as equal to others.

Trust the guidance from the Lord and our inner healthy voice.

Able to help others without losing a healthy sense of self.

We will empathize with others, without taking responsibility for their feelings.

Characteristics of Co-Dependency

Reliance on other people for a senses of identity and approval.

Have difficulty identifying what they are feeling.

Minimize their feelings, judge what they say or do harshly as never good enough.

Having difficulty expressing their needs.

Extremely loyal, remaining in harmful situations too long.

Take responsibility for the feelings of others.

Excessively put aside their own interests to do what others want.


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