Family solutions

We provide families and step-families with family therapy solutions. Families operate as systems. Therefore, each part of the system effects the other parts. We will work the family as a whole, but also with family dryads and individuals. We provide a level of personal care which is tailored to your specific family dynamics.

Unity and healthy sense of self

We help families to obtain greater family unity, while at the same time allowing each individual to thrive as the individual God made them to be. This can be a tricky balance. We give the members of the family a safe place to discuss their inner tensions related to the family. We help to develop the ability to cooperatively resolve family conflicts.


Healthy parenting

Parenting can be one of the most rewarding but difficult experiences of your life. The various developmental stages require different solutions. We help parents to implement healthy loving structure at each developmental stage. We help parents to empower their children to better understand the various aspects of their inner experience.

Catholic Families called to intimacy and prayer

The primary aspect to a healthy family unit is intimacy with Christ. We help your family to better understand what family intimacy with Christ looks like. We also help your family to identify and resolve the dynamics which act as obstacles to family intimacy with God.


Counseling Psychology + Catholicism = Innovative Therapy Solutions

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