God has made you for greatness

Welcome to Caritas! God intended you, and your happiness from the beginning of time. He desires you to live - fully awake, fully active, and fully aware. Caritas therapy is designed to help you along the path toward fully living. During your first visit we will sit down together and discuss your goals in coming to Caritas.  

Freedom of spirit

We emphasize a non-shaming or judgmental environment - as we believe the freedom of spirit this creates is vital to your growth. We believe that putting on facades and “making it look good,” hinders your God created authentic self from truly emerging.


Space of renewal

We believe that inner renewal can best occur in a rejuvenating environment. Therefore, we provide a comfortable, supportive, and relaxing space for you to explore what is going on.

Call, text, or message to set up an appointment

New clients can call or text: 248-688-7334

Fill out the field below and let us know you are interested in making an appointment or you can simply ask us a question.

We will respond within 24 hours


Send us a message


Counseling Psychology + Catholicism = Innovative Therapy Solutions

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