Without unconditioned love, beauty, and truth we will underlive our lives, undervalue ourselves, and underestimate our full destiny and call.
— Fr. Robert Spitzer


Inner Desire for Greater Happiness

Whatever is going in our lives, within us there is an ever present upward movement which springs toward and strives for more profound happiness. This is simply an innate characteristic of our human condition. As a result, one of the founding principles of Caritas is that counseling is for all who are seeking to enter into greater depths of happiness and encounter a greater emergence of their most authentic selves. It is not simply for when something has gone “wrong” in our lives.

Infinite Truth, Beauty, Love, Justice, Goodness, and Being.

Within us we all have an innate desire to connect with what are known as the six transcendentals: infinite/unconditioned truth, beauty, love, justice, goodness, and being. These are essentially the primary attributes of God and who He is. The tricky part is that we live in a finite world within a finite body. Often times we will direct our desires for unconditioned transcendentals toward conditioned limited things - For example some seek truly unconditional love from their spouses. Yet as hard as they may try they could never live up to this ideal, because they are only human. Or we may seek infinite love and goodness through career success. Yet, career success and the accolades that go with it are merely finite. Human love and career success are great things in and of themselves, yet the fact of the matter is that our hearts long for something more. This kind of mismatch from what is truly at the depths of our hearts leads to a fundamental tension within. Therefore, between the busy world outside of us and our body’s natural attraction to it, it can be difficult to allow our spirits to soar to and connect with Infinite Love.

Our Work Together

Therefore, at Caritas we combine a focus on the 6 transcendentals with the pillars of wellness - intellectual, emotional, occupational, social, financial, physical, and environmental. We do not simply focus on “fixing a problem,” or on the transcendentals as an abstract concept, but on helping you to discover where and how to find a transcendent happiness within the various aspects of our busy world. We help you to find a balance between enjoying the wonderful aspects of our material world and letting your spirit soar to what it truly longs for. Through this we hope you can experience a more profound happiness and an emergence of your most authentic self.


Be who you are and be that well
— St. Francis de Sales


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