God-Given Seasons of Life
Life is full of many different seasons and stages. Sometimes those stages can be the source of inner tension and stress. Many times the change may even be a good one, but often change itself is difficult. Whether perceived as good or bad, your world has taken on uncertainty and your future is filled with questions - you feel un-grounded. Our modern culture has even taught us in many ways to treat uncertainty as a bad thing. It often views any kind of uncomfortable feelings as something to be wholeheartedly avoided. It is normal to feel anxious during life transitions. Though, it is uncomfortable in the short-term, the reality is that God always transitions us to a different stage or season of life so that we can come to know ourselves and God in deeper ways, allow our most authentic self to emerge, and experience greater happiness.
Embrace Life Transitions
Life transitions can be a great opportunity to reflect on your life and where it is going. In order to do this it is important to realize and accept that change is inherent to life - people enter your world and leave it, material possessions come and go, and careers invariably involve turning points. It has been shown that changes in routine can often lead to the development of new neural pathways in the brain. The reality is that God has a plan for us, and the more we appreciate this, the further we will be able to make the most out of the change. Therefore, responding to such a life transition in a way which enables us to learn and grow from it is key. God has packaged within the transition many gifts, we merely have to be willing to open them!
Our Work Together
At Caritas we seek to guide you along a path which will allow you to grow and thrive within the midst of your life transition. We synthesize traditional counseling with the truth and beauty of our Catholic faith to provide a truly multi-dimensional renewal. Within a safe and rejuvenating environment, we focus on guiding you through this time of reflection so that you can reach greater levels of wellness, stability, and a new equilibrium.
Common Life Transitions
Becoming single after having been in a relationship
Changing jobs
Loss of a sense of where you fit into the world.
Geographical move
New stage of spiritual growth
Entering the work force
Having a child
Entering College
You Were Comfortable….Then an Unexpected Change
Sometimes we are very comfortable in our lives and then suddenly we are hit with a major or semi-major change which throws our whole world off kilter. This may involve the death of someone close to us, a job transfer, divorce, or a natural disaster. In this kind of transition we first have to stabilize our system. This often involves simply being able to talk to someone safe in order to “get out” and process the strong and overwhelming feelings which are being experienced. This is not the time for censoring or judging our feelings. After allowing God to nurture us through the initial shock, we are in a more secure position to process and adjust to the change. What can make it seem even more daunting is that we often still have some or a full level of typical daily functions to perform, such as work, school, housework, and taking care of our children. It can be difficult to balance all of this in the face of sudden life transition. Though, such a shock to the system is uncomfortable within it God has provided a pathway to what is truly precious to our most authentic desires and a deeper happiness. Therefore, responding to such a life transition in a way which enables us to learn and grow from it is integral. God has packaged within it many gifts, we merely have to be willing to open them.
You Truly Desired the Transition But it is Still Hard
You may be in a situation where you desired a change and whole heatedly believe that it is the best course of action for your future. Amazingly, this kind of life transition often still brings stress with it. This occurs, because we as humans simply tend to become comfortable with what is familiar, whether we truly liked it or not. Therefore, the change itself often puts stress on our system. For example, we may get the job of our dreams, but it requires us to enter a new unfamiliar environment with new people or a move to a different geographic region. The joy of a new child turns the comfort of our schedules and routines upside down. We may leave a toxic relationship, but there is still grief which needs processing. This kind of covert stress can be difficult because we tend to minimize it to ourselves by saying things like, “you should just appreciate the positive change and stop whining.” While it is very true that having a good measure of gratitude is important for our inner happiness, we need to also accept the reality that there are aspects to the life transition which are challenging. Therefore, the most important thing is that we put ourselves in the best position possible to regain equilibrium, grow, and thrive through the desired change. At Caritas we focus on guiding individuals through such life transitions so they can be in the best position to learn and grow in the ways God intends for them through this challenging life transition.