Family Unity
At Caritas we try to act as a springboard for families to enter into a greater depth of relationship and unity. Whether you have family conflict or are simply seeking to enhance a sense of family unification, Caritas integrates traditional therapies with the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Catholic faith, in order to guide families into greater unity and to experiencing a more profound happiness.
What is Family Unity?
Family unity entails a balance between a healthy love between the family members, and an environment which fosters a solid sense of autonomy within each family member. It also allows, encourages, and supports each member to go through their respective developmental stages and become the unique individual God intended them to be. Family unity teaches and models how to love, and how to receive love. It provides a forum for conflict and difference resolution. It teaches a healthy sense of virtue and love for Christ. Ultimately relationship with God is the best authority and source of family unity.
Successfully Managing Your Children’s Developmental Stages.
We often jump into being parents, but it doesn’t come with a manual. Knowing the right kind of loving structure to implement at each developmental stage can be tricky. Each developmental stage requires a slightly different set of guidelines to follow. The more prepared we are at each stage the more overall wellness and fruitfulness our children and the family can experience. Caritas helps parents develop plans for healthy and loving structure at each stage.
Our Work Together
We provide a safe and caring environment which is conducive to healthy and authentic communication between family members. We will work with the family as a whole, sub-groups within the family, and each individual in the family. We synthesize a number of family therapeutic models with the depth of our Catholic faith to provide a truly integrated solution.
Sometimes whole family therapy is unnecessary, and we simply want to improve communication dynamic with one of our children. In these cases we implement Parent-Child Interactive Therapy to help foster a healthy relational dynamic between you and your child.
“Fatherhood is a vocation in Gods service, to be not held lightly or frivolously, but with the serious determination of SERIOUS men.”
Catholic Families are Called to Intimacy
Children are one of the visible signs of the loving union between spouses. We must work to make this a reality in the quality of our relationships. We can cultivate marriage and parenting practices that make each member of the family open to one another and seek to freely give themselves in order to create a deeper “community of love.” The goal of a Catholic family is not to act perfect, pretend to be nice all the time, nor to smile all the time. It is to foster a genuine, deep, and even sometimes rugged love of Christ, self, and between family members.
Catholic Families are Called to Pray Together
We have all heard the saying “families that pray together stay together.” It sounds cliche, but there is a lot of truth to it. This does not mean that “if we just pray it will work out.” It has to be a balance of interior life development, insight, and action. But the reality is that surrender to and communion with God gives us the strength and teaches us as human persons, how to love one another. From the individual prayer, communal prayer of husband and wife prayer, and family prayer springs the strength, energy, and wisdom to guide the family along fruitful paths. This also serves as the foundation of the children’s prayer life and their strength, energy, and wisdom to love God, themselves, and others.
Our Goals for Your Family
Foster greater intimacy with God and each other.
Help you allow the Holy Spirit to guide your family through good and bad times.
Foster healthy overt and covert messages which promote congruence and validation of each persons inherent God given worth.
Empower parents and children with a greater ability to problem solve based on a greater understanding of family patterns and dynamics.
Help parents to successfully manage the different developmental stages of children.
Encourage emotional engagement and trust.
To enhance empathetic capabilities of each family member.
Illicit new and deeper meaning though conversation.
Help parents develop loving structure and boundaries for their children.
“Love is the most wonderful currency that you can give anyone.”