What is Trauma?

Those who experience trauma often have a tremendous amount of charisma, strength, and fortitude.  You had to, in order to make it to this point! 

At its core, trauma proceeds from experiences which jar our inner sense of self and our sense of well-being in the world.   Such trauma or stress may come from violence or abuse, witnessing violence, being neglected as a child, military service, being in a car accident, losing a loved one, and many other situations that vary by individual.  Trauma does not always have to involve a big major event, but can ensue from repeated exposure to unhealthy words or behaviors within a relationship or environment -  such instances are examples of micro-trauma. 

Experiences of trauma often lead to recurring memories or flashbacks, negative thoughts or moods, startling reactions to situations, self destructive behaviors, feeling overwhelmed, difficulty concentrating, anger, or avoidance in relationships, or avoidance of certain triggering situations. As a result, self-renewal becomes a critical aspect of recovery and renewal from trauma. 


Renewal and the Gifts Concealed Within.

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This does not have to have happened in vein. The beauty of God is clear - He has designed the world such that the very depth of the pain can be the actual thing which leads us to ascend to a much richer and deeper experience of the world.  These jarring experiences can be the springboard to a greater sense of compassion and empathy for ourselves and those around us.  There are many hidden gifts concealed within traumatic experiences.  It is a matter of working through them and unlocking that which lies within. 


Our Work Together

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Whether you've experienced trauma firsthand or have witnessed it at any point in life, here at Caritas, we walk with you every step of the way, from the core cause of your trauma to a place of resolution and self-renewal.   We utilize traditional therapies such as psychodynamic and emotion focused therapy combined with the truth, beauty, and goodness of our Catholic faith in order to provide a truly multi-dimensional solution. We provide a safe, serine, and judgment free environment so you can experience the hidden gifts and renewal within.


The very depth of pain experienced within trauma is the very thing which can allow us to springboard to a richer and deeper experience of the world.
— Anonymous


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